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What is the best all rounder weapon

Just wondering whats the best weapon to use for killing npc and players I would also say hunting aswell but I'll just use a different weapon for that eny tips on what weapon I should use?
Have you seen a Bear chilling in the river?
Why is there always a train at Riggs station?

I haven't seen a topic about this but I just wanted to know why and rant about how this godforsaken train has derailed many a resupply/delivery for me.

So I got my camp situated on top of the plateau between Flatneck station and Bard's crossing. Materials are easy enough with all the pronghorns and deer around, and I like the view. Overall nice place except for when the resupply/delivery requires me to pass by Riggs station. For some unknown reason, there's always a train there, like 8/10. Sometimes oncoming, but usually parked there for at least 30 seconds. Its a nuisance for many reasons. Let me name a few:

1. (Auto drive) Wagon stops at Riggs station because of the parked train, and when it starts, the wagon gets destroyed because apparently, the horse's head was too close to the train and gets killed.
2. (Manual) If there are enemies chasing me and there's a train there I swerve to go around it and because of the uneven terrain, I've had instances where the wagon overturns and gets fucked.
3. Chemical wagon resupply with enemies chasing me. I'm fucked either way. If I stay there, the bastards damage the wagon, if I swerve I lose a huge chunk of wagon HP.
4. (Auto drive) Wagon thinks it can beat the oncoming train and gets fucked.

I have so many more but these are some of the constant experiences I've had. Now I'm being cautious and stop a good distance away to be safe but losing precious seconds because of that goddamn train still irks me.

Why is it always there? Should I pack up and move to a different location in New Hanover? Any suggestions as to which locations are better?
That will cost gold!! Do you have some?!?

I haven't touched the game in multiple years (like pre covid) and was just wondering if there's any good way to grind gold other than dailys and the off chance of looting some. if it's role related so far since coming back I've only gotten trader and bounty hunter. Any advice to an old ranch hand would be great.
Last Ride My Friends

Level 163. I own everything I wanted to own. Done everything I wanted to do. And I have more money than I'll ever spend. It's time to stop. This game has been amazing.
How does pib work with shotgun shells? Are all pellets a guaranteed hit?

Planning on making a build using pib and ws.
Why do people always go for killing my horse?

I just started the game, and simply will mind my buisness. I have no bounty or anything to make people wanna kill me. Being killed is fine, but why do people always try killing my horse too? For no reason as well.

Genuinely curious bc as I said I just started online for the first time & have no idea why this keeps happening lol
2024/06/02 05:44:23
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